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Titolo: Operation Moonlight
Condizione: Nuovo
ISBN-10: 1529160421
EAN: 9781529160420
ISBN: 9781529160420
Publisher: Penguin (Cornerstone)
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 30/03/2023

Passion, war and deadly secrets . . .

'A charming novel full of fascinating detail about the Second World War, AND a heart-warming love story.
I loved every word of it!' Katie Fforde
'Wonderfully moving. A book to curl up with' Fern Britton
'I absolutely loved this heart-warming story of wartime secrets, love and redemption' Susan Lewis
'Enthralling from beginning to end' Alan Titchmarsh
'Well researched and extremely moving. I really enjoyed it' Jill Mansell


Trust absolutely no one.

This is the only advice newly recruited SOE agent Elisabeth Shepherd is given when faced with the impossible.

Her mission: to enter Nazi-occupied France and monitor the Germans' deadly long-range missiles.


Betty is celebrating her 100th birthday when she receives an invite from the Century Society to reminisce on the past.

She remains mysteriously tight-lipped about her past, however.

And then her carer, Tali, discovers a box full of maps, letters and a gun . . .

Readers love Operation Moonlight . . .

***** 'Beautifully written and researched, this was a truly compelling read, emotionally moving and with the perfect amount of jeopardy to keep me glued to the pages!'
***** 'Operation Moonlight goes beyond just another historical fiction tale of a woman in WWII to a real page-turning literary account which was a pleasure to read.'
***** 'This is a wonderful book, very gripping with a slight hint of romance.'
***** 'It was very well written, totally absorbing, and with a very authentic feel.'
***** 'It's one that will be staying on my shelf.'

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 198mm
Lunghezza: 128mm
Larghezza: 29mm
Peso: 313g
Autore: Louise Morrish
Genere: Fiction
Soggetto: Historical Fiction
Subtítulos: A compelling and emotionally moving historical fiction novel
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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