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Titolo: Oskar and the Things
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Andrus Kivirahk
Ilustración: Anne Pikkov
Traducción: Adam Cullen
Contribuyente: Adam Cullen (Translated by), Anne Pikkov (Illustrated by)
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781912915781
ISBN: 9781912915781
Publisher: The Emma Press
Genere: Children's Books
Data di pubblicazione: 29/09/2022
Description: One summer, when both his parents are away for work, Oskar is sent to the countryside to live with his grandma. A dreary prospect turns into disaster when Oskar realises he left his mobile phone back at home. What will he do all summer now?Lonely and bored, Oskar crafts a phone out of a block of wood he finds in the shed and uses it to pretend to call things. To his surprise, the things reply! He speaks to a tough-talking iron, a poetising bin, a bloodthirsty wardrobe, a red balloon that gets tangled in the crown of a birch tree, and many more. Oskar finds himself in high demand, helping the things solve their problems and achieve their dreams.Oskar and the Things is a charming book about the power of the imagination and friendship, by Estonia’s leading children’s writer, Andrus Kivirähk. With a lively translation by Adam Cullen, and the original illustrations by Anne Pikkov, it will appeal to fans of other dry Nordic children’s literature (such as Mrs Pepperpot, The Moomins, and Pippiis) and is the perfect gift for an introverted child with a rich inner life.
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 235mm
Lunghezza: 150mm
Larghezza: 20mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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