It's easy to germinate.
- First of all, getting some of trays or small pots for growing seedling and then fill them up with soft garden soil or even better if you have got a bag of Potting Mix or Topsoil from Walmart , Home depot....
-Sow seeds onto tray/pot ( 4-5 counts / pot ) > water them with spraying bottle ,later on cover trays/pots with wet paper towel. Keep do so everyday . They should be sprouting , looks like tiny hairs , after 2 weeks > take off covers and expose from morning sunshine.
- Still continuously 1 time/ day watering them 3 more weeks. The seedlings are ready transplantable into your garden at density of 12 inches x 12 in. or into pot with 12 in. diameter
Hope you'll enjoy your results
in Asian traditional medicine, use extensively as a reproductive tonic.
- Roots used as substitute for ginseng.
- Used to regulate menses; also, for cough, general debility, diarrhea.
- In China, it is cultivated as a medicinal herb. In traditional Chinese medicine, the herb is used as a substitute for Ginseng.
- In Indonesia, used for liver and kidney problems.
- In Brazil, plant used to treat inflammatory conditions.
- Used to treat bad smelling urine, enuresis, irregular menses, gastrointestinal disorders, general debility. Leaves used topically in the treatment of edemas, skin inflammation, minor scratches, cuts, and scrapes. Decoction of roots used to treat scurvy, arthritis, stomach inflammation, and pneumonia. 

- Popular in Thai herbal recipes for enhancing vitality, treating diabetes, inflammatory skin problems, GI troubles, and general weakness. Used to induce lactation and restore uterine functions postpartum.

- Swollen root used as aphrodisiac.