Please check out the photos for the condition. This is a rare book!

1 / 1872, The Milieu, 2

2 / 1872, The Founding, 3

The Ten Founders

3 / 1873-1880, Development, 7

4 / 1881, Beta, the Second Chapter, 10

5 / 1882, The First Convention, 11

6 / 1883-1886, The Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Conventions and Eta Chapter, 12

7 / 1886, America's First Sorority House, 14

8 / 1887, Gamma Chapter and the Sixth Conven-tion, 16

9 / 1888-1972, The Quarterly, 17

10 / 1888-1889, The Seventh and Eighth Conventions and Delta Chapter, 21

11 / 1890-1891, Epsilon and Zeta Chapters and the Ninth and Tenth Conventions, 23

12 / 1892, Theta Chapter and the Twentieth Anniversary Convention, 25

13 / 1893-1895, The Twelfth and Thirteenth Con-ventions, 26

14 / 1896, Iota Chapter and the Fourteenth Con-vention, 30

15 / 1897-1899, The Silver Jubilee, Fifteenth Convention and Kappa Chapter, 31

16 / 1900-1901, The Sixteenth Convention and

Lambda Chapter, 33

17 / 1902-1972, National Panhellenic Conference,


18 / 1902-1905, Founders Day, the Sevente and Eighteenth Conventions and Mu Che ter, 37

19 / 1906-1909, Nu and Xi Chapters and the Nis teenth and Twentieth Conventions, 41 20 / 1910, Omicron Chapter and the Twenty

Convention, 43

21 / 1911-1912, Pi and Rho Chapters and 4

Twenty-second Convention, 45

22 / 1913-1914, Sigma Chapter and the Tweas third Convention, 46

23 / 1915-1917, Tau, Upsilon and Phi Chaptes and the Twenty-fourth Convention, 47 24 / 1918-1920, Chi, Psi and Omega Chapters al the Twenty-fifth Convention, 49

25 / 1921-1922, Beta Alpha and Beta Beta Cha ters and the Golden Jubilee, 51

26 / 1923-1924, Beta Gamma and Beta Delta Cha ters and the Twenty-seventh Convention, § 27 / 1925-1926, Beta Epsilon Chapter and #

Twenty-eighth Convention, 58

28 / 1927-1929, Beta Zeta, Beta Eta and B Theta Chapters and the Twenty-ninth C vention, 59

29 / 1930, Beta Iota and Beta Kappa Chaps and the Thirtieth Convention, 61

30 / 1931-1932, Beta Lambda and Beta Mu Chi ters and the Thirty-first Convention, 63 31 / 1933-1936, The Thirty-second and This third Conventions hirty second andanter. id

32 / 1937-1940, Beta Xi Chapter and the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Conventions, 67 33 / 1941-1944, The War Years, Executive Board Meetings and Beta Omicron Chapter, 68 34 / 1945-1946, Beta Pi, Beta Rho and Beta Sigma Chapters and the Thirty sixth Convention, 70

35 / 1946-1972, Cardiac Aid, 72

36 / 1947-1948, Beta Tau, Beta Upsilon, Beta Phi, Beta Chi, Beta Psi and Beta Omega Chapters and the Thirty-seventh Convention, 37 / 1949-1950, Gamma Alpha, Gamma Beta, Gamma Gamma and Gamma Delta Chapters and the Thirty-eighth Convention, 77 38 / 1951-1952, Gamma Epsilon Chapter and the Thirty-ninth Convention, 79

39 / 1953-1954, Gamma Zeta, Gamma Eta and Gamma Theta Chapters and the Fortieth Convention, 80

40 / 1955-1956, Gamma Iota, Gamma Kappa, Gamma Lambda and Gamma Mu Chapters and the Forty-first Convention, 81

41 / 1957-1958,

Gamma Nu, Gamma Xi, Gamma Omicron, Gamma Pi, Gamma Rho, Gamma Sigma, Gamma Tau and Gamma Upsilon Chapters and the Forty-second Con-vention, 84

42 / 1959-1960, Gamma Phi, Gamma Chi, Gamma Psi, Gamma Omega, Delta Alpha, Delta Beta and Delta Gamma Chapters and the Forty-third Convention, 86

43 / 1961-1962, Delta Delta, Delta Epsilon, Delta Zeta, Delta Eta, Delta Theta and Delta Iota Chapters and the Forty-fourth Con-vention, 88

44 / 1963-1964, Delta Kappa, Delta Lambda, Delta Mu, Delta Nu, Delta Xi, Delta Omicron, Delta Pi, Delta Rho and Delta Sigma Chapters and the Forty-fifth Convention, 92 45 / 1965-1966, Delta Tau, Delta Upsilon, Delta Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Psi and Delta Omega Chapters and the Forty-sixth Convention, 95

46 / 1967-1968, Epsilon Alpha, Epsilon Beta and Epsilon Gamma Chapters and the Forty-seventh Convention, 98

47 / 1969-1970, Epsilon Delta, Epsilon Epsilon, Epsilon Zeta, Epsilon Eta, Epsilon Theta and Epsilon Iota Chapters and the Forty-eighth Convention, 101

48 / 1971-1972, Epsilon Kappa, Epsilon Lambda, Epsilon Mu and Epsilon Nu Chapters, 105