Titolo: S. Domnina.

                 Tratta da: 't Schat der zielen, Dat Is: het geheele leven ons Heeren Iesu Christi:

                            naer de vyer Evangelisten, 1648.              

                   Tecnica: Xilografia.

                  Supporto: Carta vergata.

                 Inventore: Abraham Bloemaert (1566 – 1651).

                  Incisore: Christoffel van Sichem II (1581 - 1658).

        Stampatore/Editore: Pieter Jacobsz. Paets, Amsterdam.

          Epoca invenzione: 1610 circa.

           Epoca incisione: Metà del XVII secolo.

            Epoca tiratura: 1648.

         Misure del foglio: 178 x 115 mm.

                Condizioni: Leggera macchia sul margine superiore.

               Riferimenti: Su richiesta.

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                     Title: S. Domnina.

              Extract from: 't Schat der zielen, Dat Is: het geheele leven ons Heeren Iesu Christi:

                            naer de vyer Evangelisten, 1648.              

                 Technique: Woodcut.

                   Support: Laid paper.

                  Inventor: Abraham Bloemaert (1566 – 1651).

                  Engraver: Christoffel van Sichem II (1581 - 1658).

         Printer/Publisher: Pieter Jacobsz. Paets, Amsterdam.

          Period invention: 1610 circa.

          Period engraving: Half of the XVII century.

           Period printing: 1648.

            Sheet measures: 178 x 115 mm.

                 Condition: Slight stain on the top margin.

                References: Upon request.

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