In 1972, Bears linebacker, Dick Butkus, pulled one of the all-time greatest “Dick” moves and thousands of frustrated Eagles fans trashed their brand new s5tg 2tadium. Here’s the story behind the ticket.

The 1972 season was a rough one for the Philadelphia Eagles, and even rougher on the poor Eagles fans.

While the team did manage two wins on the season, both came on the road, and thus Eagles fans had been subjected to a season full of frustrating home field losses.

That season full of frustration culminated on December 10th 1972 when the Eagles faced off against Chicago Bears in their final home game of the season.

The Eagles came on with a strong performance, scoring a TD, Field Goal, and a safety in the first half; taking a 12-7 into halftime.

But in the second half, things fell apart for the Eagles quickly, and the Bears defense held the Eagles scoreless.

The Bears would go on to score two touchdowns in the second half and seal the win.

As the game began to fade in favor of the Bears, frustrated Eagles fans began to rush the field; requiring multiple stoppages of play.

On the Field Goal following the Bears final TD, the Bears would biff the snap, bears kicker BOBBY DOUGLAS would recover the ball and toss it into the endzone to Dick Butkus.

Butkus pulls a real “Dick” move by pausing and handing the ball to an Eagles player; who insultingly bats it out of his hand. You can actually see Butkus incredulously laughing at himself.

After the game ended, thousands of fans stormed the field, trashed the stadium, and some even made their way through the tunnel and attacked the Eagles' locker room. Luckily, no fans or players were seriously harmed in the incident.