Willmar Schwabe Oleum jecoris(Mother Tincture)

Oil obtained from the livers of Gadus morrhua and some other allied fishes.

Common Name: Cod-liver oil

Other Name:  Oleum jecoris Morrhue, Oleum jecoris aselli

Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Oleum jecoris

Mind and Head

Constant Irritation with giddiness.

Dull aching pain in forehead with bursting sensation after cough indicates Oleum Jecoris.

Pain from occiput to forehead with nausea is recovered with Oleum Jecoris.

Eye, Ear and Nose

Swelling of eyes with difficulty to keep them open is checked with Oleum Jecoris.

Watering of eyes when walking in open air.

Yellow discharge from the ear with soreness marks Oleum Jecoris.

Cold and catarrh after exposure to cold air indicates this medicine. Dry , fluent coryza with choking in the chest.

Mouth and Throat

Chronic sore throat, with expectoration of yellow mucus is relieved with Oleum Jecoris.

Swelling of the  glands in the throat is relieved with this medicine.

Stomach and abdomen

Burning in stomach with nausea and vomiting, Intolerance to milk and vomiting of Bile with bitter and acid taste indicates Oleum Jecoris.

Soreness in the liver region with heaviness sensation and pain like a boil on pressure is relieved with Oleum jecoris.

Jerking, drawing pains in region of spleen.

Urinary and Stool complaints

Burning while passing urine with Constipation complaints indicates Oleum jecoris.

Female complaints

Abnormal growth of short thick hair on the chin and upper lips, on the face of a woman,is benefited by Oleum jecoris.

Soreness of both the ovaries with profuse menses and helps to regulate the menses.


Emaciation (wasting of muscle), hot hands and head, Oleum Jecoris relieves the complaints.

Continual aching and sore pain in elbow and knee-joints, Fistula, abscesses, boils around joints.


For complaints of ringworm, the application of the plain oil at bedtime is most effectual of local measures.

Oleum jecoris helps to relieve the redness of the skin, burning of the palms, Boils.