A 2nd superb example of a 

World War Two

Royal Naval Fleet Air Arm

Grumman TBF Avenger

Cockpit Altitude Limit Setting Gauge

for the

 Mk-13 Torpedo

Used with devastating effect against the

 Japanese in the Pacific War by 

The US Navy & US Marine Corps,

especially at the 

Battle of Midway

the Royal Navy also took delivery of a number of these highly powerful 

American General Motors-built Torpedo Bomber

for carrier based-operations in the Pacific.

With a bakelite face & switching dial and produced by

The  Monowatt Electric Corps 

(est. 1925)

 St Louis Missouri, USA

this  gauge, in superb condition, was removed and

 returned to Naval stores at War's end in 1945 when the bulk

of these amazing aircraft were scrapped,

though some continued to fly with

The Fleet Air Arm 

into the 1950s.

Though ostensibly a carrier-based Torpedo bomber,

one FAA Avenger was also credited with the kill of a 

German VI Flying bomb

over the UK in July 1944,

shot down by the dorsal-turreted Royal Naval air-gunner.

A nice souvenir from the 

British Fleet Air Arm's 1944-45 Carrier War against 

The Japanese Imperial Navy in the Pacific..

(Sold as a non-flight tested item of aviation equipment!)

 Thanks for looking..!

(Photo courtesy of The Tomahawk Films WW-II Archive)