Fig-warts, condylomata, fungoid tissue, spongy tumors.

Papillomatosis are seen in dogs, cats, equines, and humans. 

Symptoms and Types  

Symptoms related to this disorder include bad breath associated with oral papillomatosis, bleeding from the mouth, increased or decreased appetite, and excessive excretion of saliva. In cats, papillomas will appear around the head, neck, and limbs, and will be either solitary or in multiple groups. 

Immune system weakness
It is a weak immune system that allows warts to multiple so work on "immune boosting" with our Immune Support Remedy - whilst avoiding toxic chemical sprays and drugs etc. Also, try putting some apple cider vinegar topically on wart/s.  Leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning.  You may see results in one week or it could take longer. 

Warts n Moles 50ml Liquid Bottle
Contains homeopathic, nosode complex: Epulis nosode 1X,4X,CM (fibrous sarcomatous tumour in the periosteum of the jaw, epulis growths are found in the gum "mucous gingiva "the growth or boil is called "Epulis" which can grow quite large), Bartya Carb 4X, 12X, 200C,10M (warts, has cured fatty tumors, encysted tumors, swelling and induration of glands, especially cervical, even after suppuration had commenced, fatty growth tumors, especially about the neck. Sarcoma in neck, with burning), Conium Mac 6C, Thuja 4X, 10M, CM (pediculated growths, polyps, fig warts etc), Equine Papillomavirus nosode, Nat Mur 6X, 30C, 200C, Causticum 10M, Malignant nosode fibroplastic wart nosode in 4X, 200C (as a protection or treat), including the Fibroids nosodes 6X,1M, and Medorrhinum 200C,1M, (multiple warts on face), Papilloma Virus (human) 6X,30C, Papilloma infection nosode 12C, Silicea, Sulph, Ant M, Ars Alb, 4X, 1M. Calendula 6X, Phytolacca amer 6X.

2. Topical Oregano Oil 50ml Spray Bottle: To Use on body - legs, back, neck ect

3. Viral Wart Herb mix Internal Treatment 100ml Bottle:

For all species, size, and ages.

PV Papillomatosis are seen in dogs, cats, equines, and humans.

Symptoms and Types  
Symptoms related to this disorder include bad breath associated with oral papillomatosis, bleeding from the mouth, increased or decreased appetite, and excessive excretion of saliva. In cats, papillomas will appear around the head, neck, and limbs, and will be either solitary or in multiple groups.

Papillomatosis is contagious in nature and in older cats, this disorder can arise due to the immune system being suppressed through the use of medication, surgery, or in some instances, disease.  There are some cases where the wart virus is genetically related to breeding. Warts and similar growths – benign fatty tumors) are an expression of jab side effects. Such an animal may also tend to develop more serious types of growths (c*ncerous) in the future if not corrected at this point. There is an alternative immunization that is safe for your dog. 
If you or your Vet ever followed up with a Titer Test (antibody immunity test), one would see your dog or cat has still got the antibodies in their system. 

 Warts Moles targets warts and various skin growths such as:

  • fig warts
  • fatty lipoma
  • oral mucous gingiva
  • spongy growths
  • papillomas virus’
  • skin tags

Like humans, animals get warts and various skin growths and skin tags.

The Papillomas virus’ are the cause of warts in animals. Papillomas (warts) are a cluster of abnormal cells caused by the virus.  They appear in clusters or as a single wart.  Ticks and mosquitoes can spread the virus between animals.

In younger animals the warts tend to appear more on the head, face, mouth, neck and shoulders as the fur can be thinner in this area in younger animals.

Warts can develop in and around the throat and mouth area.  This is called mucous membrane papillomatosis.  It is usually harmless but can interfere with eating and drinking.

 Horses develop warts on the nose, lips, eyelids, legs, genitals, udder and inside the ears.

The virus often infects the animal through broken skin.

Our Wart N Mole Formula uses homeopathic nosodes and classic homeopathic remedies to help fight off viruses associated with warts and remedies to heal and repair the skin.  Also may help heal various skin tags, growths and fatty lipomas.

Safe for all ages and species.


Often see are different growths can be seen as fig type: Cauliflower Warts, condylomata, fungoid tissue, spongy tumor growth, Epulis growths (oral growths), pedunculated, polyps lumps. Many of these growths can be an expression of vaccinosis (vaccination side effects).  Then this is also a virus called “papillomavirus”.
Common in Equines for the Papilloma Virus.  The homeopathics Warts n Moles may also help to prevent more growths to appear.

~  Skin tags and cauliflower warts, also use in conjunction

TOPICAL application of a little cider vinegar (not white vinegar) to the wart a few times during the day for a week or more until the wart fades away or falls off. E.G. TOPICALLY   Put some “apple cider vinegar”  (not white vinegar) on topically on wart/s and skin tags.  Maybe use a Q-tip cotton bud soaked in ACV. Leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning.  You may see results in one week or it could take longer.  Use for mole and wart growths in general. Warts can come in many types of varieties and sizes.
In Equines the Papilloma Virus can be often seen on the penis shaft.


~ Epulis Benign Tumors growths of the gum  (mucous gingiva) in a dog.  The growth can rarely occur in cats too.
One of the most common types of oral masses is called an epulis (pronounced eh-pew-liss). This mass can mean many different things to different people. Most of the time, an epulis is considered benign.

Immune system weakness

It is a weak immune system that allows warts to multiple so work on “immune boosting” herbs and supplements – whilst avoiding toxic chemical sprays and drugs etc. Also, try putting some apple cider vinegar topically on wart/s.  Leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning.  You may see results in one week or it could take longer.