Unique Automatic Electric 32 A  phone with ringer self contained in the 2 piece base. The Automatic Electric 32A was very similar to the 1A with a few notable exceptions. The model 32A contained a ringer in the base whereas the 1A required a separate ringer box. This was accomplished by the addition of a two piece base onto an existing 1A. Also of note was that the inductor coil was not in the set itself but rather inside the handset. This handset had been used before in both the model 11 and 12 desksets and only requires a 2 conductor handset cord. Stamped SL-1144 A0   This one has its original dial card Lakewood and has Nickle plating on all of the brass hardware 

This model is scarce due to the fact it was not sold for residential use but to be used with small private exchanges.