Animaniacs - Cart Only - SNES Super Nintendo | TheGameWorld

Help Yakko, Wakko and Dot stop the movie madness caused by Pinky & The Brain’s plan to take over the world!

The Brain stole Hollywood’s hottest new movie script. As the Warner Bros. CEO, I’m giving you (and the Animaniacs) the job of finding the script’s missing scenes by searching through 7 Warner Bros.’ movie sound stages tilled with hilarious hijinks. Watch for Tinsel Town Traps Land Movie Classic Power Ups scattered throughout the “Ocean of Doom”, “Adventure Kingdom”, “Sci-Fi Scene” and “Fantastic Fantasy Zone”.

I don’t care what Mr. CEO says. If I catch Yakko, Wakko and Dot anywhere on the studio’s back lot, I’m going to throw them back in the water tower where they belong!

Designed By Jarilo Design