CALMID is a modern and innovative dietary supplement, both in its composition and in its mode of action. It is a combination of the amino acids 5-HTP and GABA, which influence better communication between cells in the brain. In the brain, 5-HTP is converted into serotonin, which is a kind of "messenger" between nerve cells. Numerous clinical studies have linked it to the improvement of conditions such as anxiety, stress, sleep disorders and appetite. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the nervous system that has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces increased muscle tone, and in larger amounts promotes sleep. For the reasons listed above, increasing serotonin levels can contribute to various health benefits. For these reasons, Calmid is very popular as it represents a natural alternative to drugs (antidepressants, anxiolytics, hypnotics and benzodiazepines).

Calmid is intended for people with the following conditions:

1. Depression and anxiety - Calmid increases the level of serotonin by acting on the symptoms of depression and anxiety, whereby the synergistic effect of 5-HTP and GABA is highlighted. Although there are other ways to increase serotonin in the brain such as certain exercises and antidepressants, more and more people are using safe natural substances like 5-HTP and GABA found in Calmid.

2. Fibromyalgia and migraines - Calmid increases the level of serotonin by acting on the symptoms of fibromyalgia and migraine, where the synergistic effect of 5-HTP and GABA is highlighted. Although there are other ways to increase serotonin in the brain such as certain exercises and medications, more and more people are using safe natural substances like 5-HTP and GABA found in Calmid.

3. Difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep - Calmid acts on the hormone melatonin, acting on shortening the duration of falling asleep, the quality and extended duration of sleep. Although there are other ways to fall asleep faster, longer duration and quality of sleep with the help of drugs such as hypnotics or benzodiazepines, more and more people are using safe natural substances like 5-HTP and GABA found in Calmid.

Popiti ujutro jednu kapulu kod stanja stresa i uznemirenosti ili uveće dve kapsule pred spavanje za miran san i skraćivanje vremena za uspavljivanje.

It is not intended for people with asthma, liver diseases, pregnant women, lactating women and people under the age of 18.

GABA (GAMMA-AMINO BUTYRIC ACID), 5-htp (5-hydroxy tryptophan), Zinc, Vitamin B6

It contributes to the normal function of the nervous system, psychological function, in persons exposed to psychophysical stress and effort. With the correct dosage, it facilitates the onset of sleep and the preservation of restful sleep. It also contributes to the reduction of psychophysical exhaustion and fatigue by maintaining normal energy metabolism.