Product name: 2019 Caicheng Purple Beauty Raw Puer ( Zijuan ) 
Tea bush: Zi Juan Purple tea leaf bush 
Picking standard: 1 bud 2-3 leaves 
Packing specification: 200g / Pcs 
Storage: avoid sunlight, ventilation places 
Shelf time: The longer the better 

Purple Beauty  (Zi Juan tea)- A delicious sheng (or raw) pu-erh with a rich taste and no bitterness. Harvested in late April, the purple leaf puerh comes from a  particular type of tea plant cultivar whose leaves are purple in early spring. The purple indicated a high amount of zinc  and other nutrients, all of which lends itself to a smooth and complex flavor. 
Dried tea leaves is uniform and clean, smells a wild floral scent, selected the raw material from Menghai area, tea soup has a elegant purple color, an unique orchird flavor lasts long, sweet aftertaste, this is a character of Zijuan tea, dark green color tea bottom, complete tea shape.