A Pictorial History of Nazi Germany (A Pelican Book)

by Erwin Leiser

T his series of pictures and documents, abstracted from the famous film Mein Kampf ... the story which is so graphically told in these pages begins in 1871 and traces the spiritual, political, and economic fortunes of Germany down to 1933 and the period of the Third Reich.

With pages of black and white photographs
Title : A Pictorial History of Nazi Germany (A Pelican Book)
Author : Erwin Leiser
ISBN : A561

Category : World history
Publication Year : 1962
Publisher : Penguin Books
Pages : 204
Binding : Softcover
Condition : Good - light wear on the covers

Product Code : 43828

Product Dimensions :

Height (mm) : 178
Width (mm) : 110
Thickness (mm) : 6
Weight (grams) : 157

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