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Titolo: SuperZero Volume 1
Condizione: Nuovo
Title Format: Paperback
Description: Meet Dru Dragowski, a nineteen-year-old comic book fan who yearns to escape the normalcy of teenage life. Dreaming to become a real-life superhero for as long as she can remember, Dru recreates the origins of her favorite superheroes in the hope that she too, can become a hero herself. Collecting the first six issues of the hit series SuperZero, from Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti and Rafael De Latorre!

Altezza: 257mm
Autore: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti
Contribuyente: Mike Marts (Edited by), Rafael de Latorre (By (artist))
Data di pubblicazione: 16/08/2016
EAN: 9781935002963
Formato: Tascabile
Genere: Graphic Novels
ISBN: 9781935002963
ISBN-10: 1935002961
Lingua: inglese
Lunghezza: 165mm
Subtítulos: The Beginning
Publisher: Aftershock Comics
Paese di origine: US
Peso: 295g
Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

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