Welcome to Fringe21 on ebay~

Hope you've enjoyed your shopping experience today.

I've rated 90% of my listed Pokemon cards as Near Mint or Excellent condition based on ebay and online standards.

Please be sure to refer to my photos and if you have any questions or feedback I encourage you to message me and I'll be sure to respond in a timely manner.

My inventory of vintage collectibles ship from my [smoke-free ;-)] home in Sacramento, California.

If you have other questions, again, please feel free to contact me via ebay and I'll respond ASAP.

I offer discounts for multiple purchases and take pride in shipping your item[s] with TLC, professionalism, and extra good vibes.

Thank you for choosing to do your valued business with me!


audrey wells/proprietress
FRINGE21 where #FRINGEOLOGIE and #WeAreALLinThisTOGETHER is our business.

Shine On!