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Titolo: Backpacking in Southwestern British Columbia
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781771646680
ISBN: 9781771646680
Publisher: Greystone Books,Canada
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 29/06/2021
Altezza: 215mm
Lunghezza: 139mm
Autore: Taryn Eyton
Lingua: inglese
Subtítulos: The Essential Guide to Overnight Hiking Trips
A one-stop resource for hiking backpackers in beautiful British Columbia.

Planning your next backpacking adventure? This book covers all the essentials including:

  • 40 overnight hiking trails: discover the many different routes that BC has to offer
  • Packing tips: take only the most essential items with you (plus a few comforts)
  • Permitting: find out what permits you’ll need, and where to get them
  • Camp set-up: tips for where to pitch your tent and how to find water
  • Environmental impact: learn how to Leave No Trace behind in the wilderness
This book features backpacking routes from the North Shore up to Pemberton and Lytton and from the Sunshine Coast out to the Similkameen Valley. Beautiful photographs showcase what you’ll see along the way: mountain peaks, alpine meadows, waterfalls, old-growth forests, and more.

Every backpacking route in the book includes bonus features:
  • Trail maps and route descriptions
  • Elevation, distance and time information
  • Points of cultural and natural history
  • Pre-planning hints about fees, permits, and reservations
  • Suggested side trips and points of particular interest
Backpacking in Southwestern British Columbia also shares options for extending an overnight excursion to several nights or a week, and for selecting hikes that match your timeline/fitness level.

Paese di origine: CA
Genere: Travel & Transport
Title Format: Paperback
Soggetto: Sports & Hobbies
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021

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