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Lyapko Applicators are elastic plates and rollers, needles of which consist of the metals that are necessary for the body: zinc, copper, iron, nickel, silver.
Applicators are meant for utilization onto any parts of the body (most often to the spine). High therapeutic efficiency is achieved due to galvanic currents created in the skin, on the points of the needles and between the needles, which leads to an increased selective metal micro-electrophoresis within the internal environment of the body. 

Features of Lyapko Applicator:

1. it enhances vitality and working efficiency, normalizes sleep and metabolism, evokes positive emotions and spirits; 
2. it renders assistance in curing and preventing disorders of gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems; 
3. it eliminates sexual disorders with subsequent normalization of men and women’s sexual functions; in treatment of gynecological diseases, it helps to cure disorders of ovarian-menstrual cycle; 
4. it alleviates pain in the spinal column, joints and muscles, removes headaches; 
5. it helps to normalize hormonal balance, metabolic processes during endocrinopathy (the obese lose weight or the emaciated gain the required kilograms); 
6. it increases the efficiency of such methods as massage, auricular and classic acupuncture, manual and laser therapy, microwave resonance therapy (when used in combination with them or prior to their use) 2 to 3 times; 
7. it renders assistance in quitting pernicious habits (alcoholism, tobacco smoking); 
8. it makes it possible to reduce the amount of consumed drugs and eventually discontinue taking them altogether.

Applicators can be utilized in medical institutions, sanatoria, and at home.

Lyapko Applicators have no analogues in the world as they are unique in their multifactor character and treatment power as well as effectiveness and efficiency, their application being simple and reliable. The Applicator mobilizes inner resources, stimulates physiologically reasonable dosage of natural “medicines” production inside human organism and compensates the deficit of motive activity.
Diseases and damage of musculo-skeletal system: 

1. overstrain of neuromuscular system 
2. myositis   
3. myalgia  
4. tendovaginitis 
5. damage of joining function of vertebral column and joints of extremities  
6. scoliosis 
7. injuries, bone fractures, after operation conditions 

 Diseases of nervous system: 

1. recovery after cranio -cerebral injuries and strokes 
2. neurological manifestations of vertebral column osteochondrosis 
3. neuralgia  
4. lumbago
5. neuritis  
6. myasthenia  
7. labby and spastic paralysis
8. hysteria, neurasthenia, insomnia   
9.  sexual neuroses  
10. night enuresis  
11. migraine 
12. Reyno disease 
13. kids cerebral palsy   

Diseases of lungs and blood vessels:

1. hypertension 
2. hypotonia 
3. ischemia disease (stenocardia, cardio sclerosis) 
4. varicose veins of legs 
5. piles 

Diseases of respiratory apparatus: 

1. rhinitis 
2. quinsy 
3. laryngitis 
4. bronchitis 
5. pneumonia 
6. bronchial asthma, including allergic origin 

Diseases of digestion organs:

1. gastritis 
2. hypotonia of the stomach 
3. ulcer and duodenal ulcer 
4. dyskinesia of the stomach 
5. colitis (constipation) 
6. diskinesia of gall-bladder 
7. cholecystalgia 
8. pancreatitis 


1. early toxicosis 
2. hypo- and hyperlacty 
3. maintenance of the pregnancy 
4. anesthetization and adjustment of labour activity, reabilitation in after birth period and after Cesarean section 

Female diseases:

1. abnormalities of ovarian menstrual cycle (menostasis, dysmenorrhea) 
2. adnexitis 
3. sterility 
4. climacteric syndrome 


1. lomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis 
2. renal colic 
3. glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis 
4. renal colic 
5. cystitis, cystalgia 
6. prostatitis 
7. adenoma prostate 

Skin diseases: 

1. neurodermatitis 
2. skin itch
3. nettle-rash 
4. eczema 


1. periodontosis, stomatitis 
2. amasthetizayion at stomatological operations 
3. toothache 

Endocrine diseases: 

1. hypothyroidism, hyperthyrosis 
2. pancreatic diabetes 
3. alimentary obesity 

Applicators contribute to relieving the abstinence syndrome at alcoholism and tobacco smoking. They also contribute to recovery of vitality, good mood and efficiency.

Contraindications for use of applicators.

Relative contraindications to the use of applicators and rollers are: 
acute infectious diseases; 
exacerbation of chronic illness with high fever of a body; 
state of decompensation in diseases of cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, kidneys; 
acute thrombophlebitis;
diseases of blood and blood-forming organs in the stage of decompensation; 
acute surgical conditions; 
drastic depletion; 
violation of the integrity of the skin: wounds, burns, frostbite.
 In presence of benign and malignant disease, multineedle Lyapko therapy is used only to treat individual symptoms (method of analgesic effect, removal of emotional stress, improving sleep, etc.) and only after an oncologist consulting. 

Mechanisms of applicator' action
1. Reflexive - mechanical action - outer multiple needle acupuncture of the definite areas and biologically active spots (reflex reaction), as well as micro massage of the skin and underneath tissues. Reflex action of needles on BAP consists of three interconnected parts: local, segmental and general reaction of the organism. 
2. Galvanic - electric action - at contact with the skin on the surface of applicators' needles many physical-chemical changes take place which are peculiar to changes under the influence of direct current. In the result of it, the oxide layer is formed on needles and the galvanic effect appears. Electric micro currents appear in the skin on the ends of the multilayer needles as well as between needles which are made of different metals.  
Fig. 1 (left). Scheme of ions orientation as a result of galvanic coupling applicator and skin contact. Schematic representation of electrical ion currents occurring at the tips of metal needles covered with other metals, are accompanied by electrophoresis (diffusion) of these metals in the internal environment.Scheme of ions orientation as a result of galvanic coupling applicator and skin contact. Schematic representation of electrical ion currents occurring at the tips of metal needles covered with other metals, are accompanied by electrophoresis (diffusion) of these metals in the internal environment.

Fig. 2 (right). Schematic representation of the electrical ion currents generated at the tip of the needle and between the needles of different metals, accompanied by electrophoresis (diffusion) of these metals in the internal environment of the body.

3. Humoral action - by mean of microionphoresis the required metals are transferred into liquid organism's media (copper, zinc, nickel, iron, silver), that needles of applicator are made of. All these micro elements play important role in providing the proper treatment of organs and system.