DEEBOT 500. RRP £599

Our Best Selling Robot Just Got A Modern Twist
DEEBOT 500 provides a versatile, everyday cleaning solution. With its multiple cleaning modes, DEEBOT 500 efficiently cleans your floor and has an appropriate cleaning mode for every job. You can control your robot with the ECOVACS Home App, a simple remote, or smart home system, and enjoy some free time while DEEBOT 500 cleans for you!

- Smart Motion
- Auto, Edge, and Spot Modes
- Schedule Cleanings
- Automatic Charging
- Up to 110 Min. Runtime and 520 mL Dustbin
- Works with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant
Effortless Everyday
Max Mode maximizes
cleaning performance
Give your home an intense deep clean ahead of special occasions. Standard suction power is great for every day cleaning but when you want to give your house an intense clean, Max Mode will increase suction power to clean stubborn dirt.
Selective Cleaning Modes
Give your home the right clean for every occasion with flexible cleaning modes – AUTO Mode for general cleaning, Edge Mode for cleaning specific edges, and Spot Mode for when intensive cleaning in one area is required.
3-Stage Cleaning System
for effortless cleanliness
Your robot’s intelligent design will make sure no dirt is left behind. Your home will be thoroughly cleaned using its 3 stages of cleaning; side brushes, main brush and vacuum.
Amazon Echo
Total wireless control. Your robot does the hard work for you, no matter where you are thanks to Amazon Echo connectivity.
Google Home
Total wireless control. Your robot does the hard work for you, no matter where you are, thanks to Google Home connectivity.
App Control
Clean your home from anywhere, anytime. App connectivity lets you take control and schedule a clean or monitor your current cleaning status all from the palm of your hand.
Automatic Charging
Never worry about charging your robot. When battery power is low, your intelligent robot will automatically return to its Dock Station to charge, all by itself.
Never come home to a messy house again. Simply schedule a clean and let your robot take care of the rest.
Stair Safety Technology
Don’t worry about your robot falling down stairs. It will sense a drop off and will safely reverse its direction, continuing to efficiently clean your home.
Anti-Collision System
You can feel safe knowing your robot will protect valuable in your home while cleaning. With its Anti-Collision sensors and soft cushion bumpers, your robot will avoid obstacles and protect your furniture.
High Efficiency Filter
Breathe easy while your robot cleans. With its High Efficiency Filter, your robot will reduce airborn triggers while vacuuming.