Dill Weed Seed Hardiness zones 10-11

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This variety of dill is a sure performer and becoming more and more heat tolerant. 

Grow your own fragrant frilly dill! Foliage deepens with heat and age.  Grows to about 18-24” tall before flowering. Much taller if left alone. Pinch to prolong bounty and hold off flowering. Although the flowers are quite pretty-In hot or dry weather, small yellow scented flowers form in small umbels 1–3.5 inches in diameter from one long stalk. I've personally used them many times in floral arrangements for its delicate scent and unique shape. Dill's feathery foliage can be quite ornamental, which makes it a nice addition to your flower beds, where it will attract pollinators and butterflies, especially the Eastern black swallowtail butterfly.

Full sun for best performance. Best kept slightly moist but will bounce back well if neglected from time to time. Dill plants prefer soil that is rich, loose, and well-draining. Dill is not particular about its soil pH but thrives best in slightly acidic soil. Dill plants have a taproot (a central dominant root from which smaller roots grow), so compacted soil could be a problem. This low maintenance herb is great for spring and fall plantings and thrives in container gardens.

Dill is an annual herb in the celery family Apiaceae. It’s often paired with salmon, potatoes, and yogurt-based sauces or dips. Dilly cucumber salad is a must, and for a special treat, add dill to your favorite buffalo sauce for to-die-for wings!

In addition to culinary uses, dill is rich in several nutrients and has traditionally been used to treat various ailments, including digestive issues, colic in infants, and bad breath.Trusted Source

Does excellent starting from seed. Germination 8-12 days.

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