Big Bud is a flowering Booster with a difference. Almost all flowering Boosters contain P and K, which are used in large amounts during the bloom phase. But Big Bud is also loaded with L-amino acids to increase flower formation and quality. Several L-amino acids act as co-factors or activators for enzymatic reactions. For instance, L-histidine is known to play a significant role in activating enzymes. L-tryptophan is a precursor to the plant hormone auxin, which is vital for cell division, growth, and differentiation. Arginine and glutamine can act as a source of readily available organic nitrogen, which supports an array of metabolic processes. Certain L-amino acids, like methionine, are precursors to chemicals that play a role in plant defense mechanisms against pests and diseases. Additionally, amino acids like proline are involved in stress resistance, helping plants withstand harsh environmental conditions. L-amino acids can even stimulate beneficial microbial activity, which in turn improves soil health, nutrient availability, and plant-microbe interactions.