Get a great hat that Protects too!
Shungite Infused Hats with Silver Activated Shungite
Bio-Field Enhancement
Wifi Harmonizing
Pineal Gland Boosting
Protection and Empowerment all in one!
Latest dowsing experiments showed that the human bio-field was tripled in size and was stronger with silver activated shungite, It was a bigger radius than plain untreated shungite.
We have conducted human body electrical field kerlian photography experiments of our 
Silver infused shungite, there is complete transformation in the lady’s electrical field.
Oraphim's special formula has Grade 1 & 2, Elite & Plain shungite powders from Zazhoginskoje, Karelia (certificated) infused with silver, this keeps open the quantum door for the shungite to work, thus amplifying the Natural Healing, EMF and Radiation Protection which shungite provides.

Shungite is an amazing stone found in nature and is the only natural form of C60, in 1996 Professors Kroto, Smalley, & Curl were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the fullerene now found in Shungite, as well as there now being many more scientific studies proving its ability to clear toxins, electromagnetic fields and radiation, to kill bacteria, cleanse water and for it's healing qualities we have added it to the eye masks for you.

 Do share your experiences with us as it's a growing field for all involved from scientist, Doctors, Healers and User

  How Shungite Works:
Shungite is attenuating the frequencies it encounters, reversing their spin so from entropy back into repair and wellness, shungite itself spins at 20 Billion revolutions per second (fastest thing known to man, currently)  with each year exciting research is making great scientific advances in the field of C60 carbon and Shungite applications.

 Best Wishes Always
From the Oraphim Team

  All statements regarding our Shungite products are considered anecdotal at this time.

Disclaimer: These Statements and any product made by us are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease