Dr. Reckeweg Magnesia Phosphoricum 

Phosphate of Magnesia is contained in blood-corpuscles, muscles, brain, spinal marrow, nerves, teeth. Disturbance of its molecules results in pains, cramps, paralysis. Magnesia Phosphorica makes up white matter of muscles and nerve. Mag phos is a mineral supplement to restore energy and begin the regeneration of the body’s nerves and muscles. A nutrition and functional remedy for nerve tissues.

Uses of Dr. Reckeweg Magnesia Phosphorica

Common symptoms of Dr. Reckeweg Magnesia Phosphorica

Important indicated symptoms of Dr. Reckeweg Magnesia Phosphorica

Cause for the complaints in Dr. Reckeweg Magnesia Phosphorica

Refined foods, pollution, non-absorption and insufficient ability of the body to utilize magnesium in the body are some of the causes, overexertion of work.


worse after

mastication or any motion, cold, open air, pressure

better from

Warm applications relieve, and especially dry warmth, bending double.

Reactions with Magnesia Phosphorica

It is safe to take the tablets even if you are taking allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. Homeopathic medicines do not interfere with the action of other medicines. It is safe and without any side effects.

Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg Magnesia Phosphorica