POSTER SIZE 13" x 19"
Did you know
All of our fine art reproduction posters are printed with archival inks on heavy weight, acid free, photograph paper producing great looking long-lasting posters and prints that come to you frame ready to hang in home, or office, music room, dorm room, and, or family room, complementing your good taste in art, music, culture, and life style                
All orders are processed, packaged, and shipped in thick cardboard mailing tubes, 24 hours or less from order date                               
FREE SHIPPING via USPS Ground Express 3-5 Day Domestic Delivery Service
Buyer is responsible for all Tax, VAT, Duties, and, or Special Delivery Chargers

Please note all poster sizes given are approximate sizes only. It is for this reason that we ask for you to please wait until your poster arrives before purchasing a frame. 

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Positive feed back is greatly appreciated 

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