Zapechatlennye mgnovenia: tretii sbornik stikhotvorenii (Captured Moments: third collection of poems)

Author: Nelidova-Fiveiskaia, Lidiia
Title: Zapechatlennye mgnovenia: tretii sbornik stikhotvorenii (Captured Moments: third collection of poems)
Publication: New York: 1952

Description: Original publisher's wrappers.

23 cm. 84 pages: portrait. Text in Russian. Very good copy.

Lidiia Yakovlevna Nelidova-Fiveiskaia (1894-1978) - ballerina, poetess, wife of conductor Mikhail Mikhailovich Fiveisky. She performed in provincial theaters. In 1921, she emigrated and lived in the USA. In exile, Nelidova-Fiveiskaia published three collections of poems: "Snowdrops" (New York, 1927), "From Foreign Shores" (New York, 1939), and "Captured Moments" (New York, 1952), a Pushkin-related poem "Slave of Honor" (Chicago, 1929; New York, 1936), in 1943, the novel "The Right to Life." In 1956, the author returned to the USSR, where she lived in Irkutsk, Kharkiv, and later settled in Moscow. She died in 1978 and was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Seller ID: 454

Subject: Emigre, Poetry

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