Picture it from Sophia's perspective from Golden Girls...it was 1965...and Barbie and Marcia Brady go to lunch with Peter Max...looking for something divine as a collaboration of the times...the hippie movement of peace and love...the flower power timing...making this yardage HEART POWER. Sweet...loving...kind...would make a cool assed kids or adult jacket or four...or perhaps framed as vintage textile art for anywhere I your love nest. Peace out y'all!

This offering is for 4.4YDS x 45 inches wide of unused unwashed yardage...a medium to heavier weight upholstery grade cotton...it has a barkcloth texture...more of a teensy tiny honeycomb texture you might need a microscope to view. A stark white ground...floating hearts in florescent pink...lemon...purple...lime with black accents...an accent that would change the entire trajectory of this yardage if without...so black accents embody the spirit of this beauty. It hails from the mid 60's and while unused the one selvedge has been cut and I saw a couple quarter size stains right on that cut edge. TONS and TONS to work with here...if you need less let me know and I'll create a special listing. :)

I take returns...but who wants to take a return right? So I do my best to add lots of photos that depict the weight and texture and do so thoughtfully so you are getting the most virtual experience. Please only buy if you know you really want it...in other words...I'm here to have the best selling experience and I can't do that without your help. With that said...of course I will take a return...I'm just hoping more the pricing will WOW YA over wanting to return it :) Here is to a summer of fabulous Florida Finds. :)