Dear Friend,

The very powerful Miracle Manifestation Medallion (the M3) can help you immensely in manifesting anything that you want in your life. Health, wealth, Divine Love, spiritual well being, even wake people up who are in a Coma the list is endless. The pattern is tuned into the Logos, the energy flows and manifests the energy of the  universe. In simplified terms think what runs the universe. God is in charge, God's energy of love and perfection runs the universe! Basically, the M3 is a great focus of the energy and patterns from higher levels of creation that manifest perfection, that manifest the entire universe. So the energy is totally pure and constructive. Christians believe that Beloved Jesus was the manifestation of the Logos for the Christian dispensation. So whomever or whatever you bless on the M3 is going to get help big time! Some with their spiritual sight open see a flame of energy radiating off the M3 for about 6 feet, and touching the M3 causes the person?s aura to radiate our several feet.

The Logos patterns are the spiritual energy of God, the Great I AM mentioned in the Bible. When Moses spoke to God in the burning bush He said ? I AM THAT I AM?. Since God manifested as a Flame then the energy of the Logos is really a Master Power so I call the Logos energies the? Master Power Flame? The M3 is specifically tuned to the Logos and radiates the Logos Master Power of God's Perfection into anything you place on the M3. You can use the M3 to bless your family, your neighbors, your government, anything you want to bless with God's purifying love.

The M3 radiates pure God power and patterns of perfection all the time, 24X7. You can use the M3 to manifest things in your life, purify yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Bless yourself, your family, your loved ones, etc. The M3 uses are endless and extremely spiritual and bring only perfection into your life and those you bless. Think of the M3 as a focus of prayer that goes on forever and God's Love and Perfection are bringing about their fulfillment.

My background is physics and I have been doing research since the 1950s on alternative science. The M3 is a discovery from my research. I have tested the M3 technology for many years; it is absolutely fantastic what it will do.

Health ? You can use the M3 to bring your physical, mental, and spiritual consciousness into alignment with the Universe's Logos, the Great I AM. Just print out your name on a computer in small type and put it on the M3. Use an affirmation such as ?I AM manifesting perfect health? or whatever you want perfected.

Several friends have put an M3 on or by a coma patient and within hours the patient revived. Obviously a miracle. And it is Not medically verified.

Wealth ? Decide what you want to bring into your world and use, e.g. a new car, fix your house, bless your children, or whatever. The pure energy radiating out of the M3 will help do this. Many who have tried the M3 got things within hours or a couple of days that they wanted. Just print out your desire and put it on the M3. Use a decree like ?I AM manifesting _____ ? (fill in the blank). So you see that the I AM Flame is manifesting what you want. Use the power of the words I AM in your manifestation decree.

Please Note: No Medical claims concerning the M3 products are made herein. Results are strictly anecdotal with no official medical claims. People are specifically advised not to purchase products in the pursuit of cures for any medical condition currently treated by health professionals. Data in this ad is for informational purposes only and contains statements not evaluated by the FDA or any medical professional. Consult your doctor or other medical professional prior to use.