This globe is from 1900 to 19170, It shows Petrograd , Russian not yet URSS ( 1914/1924), Yugoslavia is not yet formed so it is pre1920, Hungary is independent , Germany is till named Prusse . Please feel free to Email with question to insure accuracy , we can check the railways line or country boundaries . The surface condition is good , no scratches , there is some restoration over a part of the Pacific ocean . Overall the countries are easy to read and discern. The printing is really nice and well done , this type of globe belong to the tradition of globe making of the 19th century : 12 full gores on a solid ball of plaster .

The wood mount is Napoleon III in style ( Violet-Leduc) but was in use until the early 20th. Little is know about G.Thomas [1840-1903] beside beside being the successor of E. Bertaud [1840-1903 , Bertaud itself being the successor of Felix Delamarche . It is in excellent condition , I believe is a good value in term of historical content and decorative cachet , small globe are scarce compared to the large school globe

Overall the globe is readable with all of its decorative value preserved.I can be reach 310 994 6009 if you want more info , for shipping outside the US please contact me for pricing and condition