Looking for a personalised gift for boys or men named Ben ? You're in luck!

BEN'S GAME is a unique little card game that makes an entertaining and intriguing personalised gift for him. 

As a gift, you could say it's got Ben written all over it. LITERALLY!

This little box of fun will give hours of laughs. Created by one of the UK's top games designers, BEN'S GAME is a quality item that provides top fun for all.

As a bonus, you'll also receive a FREE sheet of personalised BEN gift wrap paper alongside the game. So you can wrap the game in the free gift paper to get a personalised gift for Ben that looks fantastic!

BUY WITH CONFIDENCE: We have been selling on eBay for nearly 20 years, that's countless thousands of transactions and lots of positive feedback. And if you need anything, just ask and we'll be happy to help.

- What if he's not called Ben ? Take at look at our our other name games here
- What age is this for ? 7 to adult
- How many players ? 3 or more
- Suitable for families ? Yes
- Not answered already ? Get in touch and we'll be pleased to help