112 Carlota Galgos CD VIVO Songs for the Galgo

Music the universal language!
It can bring us great happiness or bring us to tears. We can dance, sing and laugh. What better way to bring to life the story of Charlotte's quest to help the galgos.
It's Charlotte's story. It is Spain's story.

All the songs are original creations and inspired by the galgos and 112 Carlota.
Charlotte's beautiful prose is showcased in Rainbow bridge, Good Morning World and Lucas' Song
Lucas, brought back from a life of hell. Powerful!

Two amazing anthems to support the galgo. Trash dog and Make Change,
tributes to an amazing animal, the hunting dog of Spain. A passionate version of Trash Dog in Spanish. The perfect marching protest song.
Make Change is a tribute written for and inspired by all the heroes who march for the galgos at the end of Spanish hunting season in February.

The rescue of "Caroleena" from the gypsy camp and her destiny to become Carlota Canada's ammbassadog.  Get out your dancing shoes and violins.
Round and Round, simply written from the heart, while watching galgos at play.
Charlotte's iconic motto "Love Never Fails" graces the lyrics of the song with the same name. The story of rescuing a frightened dog off the street.
Finally, Charlotte's beautiful narrative of what the finca means to her. From the galgos and her wonderful family. Her husband and children and the "other family" from around the world. Charlotte's dream for a "forever finca" is the dream of Susan Dawson and her awesome campaign, Working on a dream.
Have fun singing everyone, and enjoy the music.

About 112 Carlota Galgos - We are based in Malaga, Spain.  Charlotte founded 112 Carlota Galgos in 2006 when she started to publish about the plight of the galgos, later on becoming an association which rescues as many galgos as possible, caring for them on a personal basis and socialising traumatised cases in order to be adopted.  112 Carlota Galgos is a voluntary organisation which rely on donations and money raised from various fundraising projects.  All help received is voluntary.

Once the gates open for children to officially be greeted here, someone aside myself will be needed here in order for the children to feel the spirit of the galgos and our love for life.  
Sebastian our eldest son, 19 years old, has a way with the galgos of calmness, but a knowledge and soul which shines through when he works with them.  His phenomenal and I'm very proud of him. Sofia, our daughter 13 years old.  A girl with a pure soul of love.  A fighter for life herself and a winner.  She has hands which heal and a love so pure it bounces round the finca grounds and she works with me on many a raw damaged case.  All the way to their salvation.
Neizan (Nathan) our 9 year old son.  Talented and a builder at heart.  He will think nothing of knocking screws into fences where needed, he has an energy so pure it shines.
Me, well I'm a humble person.  I do my absolute best for the galgos and work via my heart, and instinct.  I work solely from a feeling, a spirit, and desire to individually know each galgo in the orchard grounds.
The galgos who we receive here, can be referrals for rehabilitation from others who need help for a particular case, and our own rescues.  We create a peace at the finca and work on the foundation of love. Positive energy, and despite working in a pack environment each galgo is worked with and known personally.  A healing is found here so profound many tell me they have felt saved themselves from visiting and seeing how we work and the feelings created.
Some galgos come to us balanced, these are the minority.  The main cases we take are trauma cases referred to us by others, so stay a long, long time.  Rescues also come in with mass fractures and issues, again in for the long haul.
I take my time with each member here and only when they are ready, are they placed into adoption.  They for the first time in their lives are dedicated to, day and night. t's not easy and there is a lot which can weigh one down, but to heal hearts is my life's desire.  Galgos and humans alike.  For humans have created the damage, yet humans can make the change.  Swimming with the galgos creates their physiotherapy when needed and also a bonding they never understood.
I'm used to hard work and always believe in love for others.  Taking on the challenges other souls face and then healing their pain.  Setting them free.
 The finca is a place which secures our work.  Takes economic pressure away enabling total concentration where its needed, the galgos need us.  Our guests need us.  The children facing difficulties need us, combined it makes a strength for change.  A safety net for those who need us.
It would mean the absolute world.  More than I could ever imagine possible.  It would mean a security of a lifes work and dedication driven by my soul to help others.  It means a Forever where love never fails.
In galgo affection, and gratitude, always.

 Galgos are used in hunting hares in Spain, and when it is not the season many wander the streets abandoned. Left to their own luck, hanged, dropped in rubbish bins, wells, burnt, anything to rid the trace of having had a Galgo.  Unless in the hands of an association, they are doomed from birth. Hunters from 2 months will be training, and from birth they will be picked out good or bad. From one litter of ten only one MAY make a hunting dog. The rest, surplus to requirements.  Overbreeding leads to mass abandonment of Galgos and these numbers reach way over 50,000. The figures for those not rescued are far in excess of this


112 Carlota Galgos based in Malaga, Spain is dedicated to every Spanish galgo who is being tortured as you read this and awaiting the kind hand of courage to come and rescue them.  Every letter Charlotte has written, had published and every person she has spoken to about the galgos, it is in dedication to them.  To the associations who work tirelessly to save, mend and further protect galgos from the cruel hands of the hunter

C.I.F. No G93207744