Repuesto Cabello Liso Natura Shampoo Y Acondicionador.

Purifying Shampoo: Combined with the power of our unprecedented Pró-Teia Biotechnology, the Anti-Pollution active protects hair against pollution and free radicals, preventing oxidation of the strands. After 3 applications of this purifying shampoo ideal for straight hair, the strands are 2.5 times softer and effectively protected against breakage.

4.7 times stronger than conventional products

Glossier hair, varnish effect

Strong, resistant and soft hair

Produces extra lather

Cleans hair without drying out the ends

Keeps the hair cleaner for longer

Extra-shiny hair

Removes oil from roots and retards return of oiliness

Protecting Conditioner: Rebalances strands — moisturizing them from roots to tips, without leaving the hair heavy. Improves movement, sheen and provides twice as much protection against free radicals.

Healthier hair from the first application

Progressive hair improvement

Ideal elasticity and flexibility

No heavy hair after washing

Hair stays moisturized for longer

Leaves no residue on hair

Sensation of intense conditioning

Natural-looking hair

Repairs weakened and brittle strands