AD&D Lankhmar CA1-2   Swords of the Undercity,  Swords of Deceit 9150-9170 TSR RPG

AD&D Lankhmar CA1 Swords of the Undercity: of thieves, city of the night, city of adventure. Once again, a dark bargain has been struck, and a murder committed in a dark and narrow street. An ancient book, an expedition through the Sinking Lands, and a strange treasure brought back to the city were enough to trigger the envy of the rich and powerful.

Where the path of adventure meets terrible creatures of the night and envy of so many, will you be able to survive the tricks and dangers of ancient Lankhmar? Use your wits and ingenuity and perhaps with some luck your success might overshadow the might of the city's two fabled heroes, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser.

AD&D Lankhmar CA2 Swords of Deceit:

In the dead of the night, a ghastly fog shrouds the deserted streets. Doors are locked, windows shuttered, as a deathly silence haunts the shadows. Almost all of Lankhmar's citizens cower in their homes. Tonight the streets and alleys of Lankhmar belong to the ancient gods--this is the Night of Fear.

Whose life will be lost this night--a lonely wench abandoned in the street? Perhaps a young noblewoman betrayed by her family? You can find out, as you venture into the dark and winding streets of Lankhmar. But beware, eyes are already watching you.