Message me with any questions.
ALL PLATFORMS! We do not need to log into your account, you will quickly load in and out with the items in your bag.
Customer satisfaction is what we aim for, as always we were the first to have this service listed & will beat all prices while providing a great service.

Ready to start grinding those missions out extremely fast?

Get one of the rarest items in the game: The highly sought after Flawless Crystal or Legendary Aether Tool(300% Bonus Damage Increase)

Tier 3 Red Zone? Who's that??

Legendary Atherum Tools - Increases your Pack a Punch'd guns damage by 300% + a crystal = insane damage. I can give recommended builds for guns as well to melt zombies in Tier 3 Red Zone

With these Level 3 Pack A Punch Crystals you can instantly Pack your guns to max pack a punch! No more grinding out 30,000 Zombies Points and wasting your whole game away! Focus on your missions, don't worry about the threat, and you can instantly go to tier 3. No other items will ever matter at this point when you have these bad boys lying around.

After purchase I will load into a game with you and give you the items and exfil.

All of our services are 100% satisfaction guaranteed. 

We do not own any of these items, they are property of the game. You are simply purchasing my time while I help you acquire the items.