Rare vintage 1990s TShirt from Arctic cat. "THE LEADING EDGE" depicting a 1994-1997 EXT graphic on the front. Plain back. Check out our other auctions for more sizes. We will list each size available in separate auctions. Size listed in the title of the auction is what you will receive.  We will not take separate pictures for each size

We will combine shipping on your order if you purchase multiple items at the same time. When we see your order come in with multiple items going to the same address, we will refund the overpayment for shipping once we combine the orders and determine the actual shipping cost. Customers buying multiple shirts have seen refunds of $25-34 in shipping for example.

We have been an Arctic Cat dealer for over 40 years at zip 16051. We just bought out another dealer inventory and will be listing their items as time permits. This score of cool shirts came from their inventory.