Double side sticky tape

Can be cut to any size you need

Completely transparent

sticky paws tape for cats

We apply these specially designed Anti Scratch Tapes to any furniture surface

Such as sofa, bed, curtains, table legs, stairs, couch, etc. and see how your cat stops scratching those areas. After your cat learns to not scratch and you don't want it anymore, you can simply remove the cat scratch guards for furniture.

What product is it?

Why we produce this sticky scratch protector ?

After a long period of testing, we found that cats and other pets do not like sticky surfaces. Therefore, the cat scratch guard is our great behavior trainer and restraint measure for cat friends.

How to love your cats and also protect your furniture?

Do you remember the frustration when your pet destroyed your expensive furniture? We are sure that you love your furry friends. When we brought it back to the cozy home of love, we did not expect it to break our precious furniture. Of course, such kind of scene is not what we wanted, but it happens every day. We love pets, but we also cherish everything in our house.