Echeveria Gloria is a brand new hybrid created by expert Korean growers, Changhee succulents. The colours in this variety are beautiful and unusual.

I've got a few of these so yours will look similar to the ones in the photos and never any smaller than what's shown. Approximate size 4cm.

The photos illustrated the difference in colour throughout the year.

These aren't rooted yet so bear in mind that it won't need watering until roots appear.

Simply pot up in a cactus compost with added grit or a soilless substrate such as a specialist bonsai mix (available to buy from That Succs) and leave it to root. No watering is needed until roots appear.

It love love loves the sun but isn't keen on heat so watch out for sunburn in the summer months; some light shading during the hottest part of the day is a good idea.

Water only when the potting mix is dry. If there's one thing succulents hate it's wet feet. They're very prone to stem rot and it can happen very quickly! Avoid letting water sit in the rosette too because this will also cause it to rot away.

The key to successful succs is lots and lots of light, less and less water. Keep that in mind always and your plants will reward you with colours that POP.

Don't worry if a stem or two fall off during transit; you can propagate by carefully placing them on some potting mix and voila - new, baby plants!

Dry leaves on the plant doesn't mean it's thirsty and shrivelling up - succulents 'eat' their leaves to create new roots. I pull them off only once they're completely dry and crispy but you don't have to, it's fine either way.

It might lose colour slightly during transit but it'll bounce right back so long as its growing conditions are met.

I can talk plants all day. Get in touch if you need any help!

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