This is a bound volume of six issues of the publication "THE GARDEN MAGAZINE" from the early 1920's. Volume 36. The issues range in date from September, 1922 to February, 1923 and come with their front covers (with the exception of the February issue, which does not have its front cover). There are photographs, illustrations, and advertisements throughout. Published by Doubleday, Page & Company.

Here are some examples of the contents:  Perennials that Reappear Each Spring; When a Man Grows His Own Melons; Lengthening the Season of Fruit; Winter in a Japanesque Garden; Travel Tales of a Plant Collector; Little White Flies that Infest the Garden and Greenhouse; Flowering Shrubs for Fall Planting; Planting and Transplanting in the Fall; Decorative Ironwork; Among Our Garden Neighbors; Artistic Flower Arrangement; Success with the Indoor Window Garden; Dallying with Daffodils; Cherries for the Home; A Home Method of Storing Celery; A Bit of the Tropics in New England; Gardening Abroad through American Eyes; How Plants Endure Heat and Cold...and much more.