The oil that reminds us that tears and a contrite heart are never forgotten by God.

Ingredients: Pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Israel mixed with Rose of Sharon (Farm Grown), Balsam, and Mint essential oils. 

  • The 10ml anointing oils are in a glass bottle.
  • The New Jerusalem Anointing Oil desire to communicate scriptural truths and message through each one of their products
  • Each fragrance is made by following ancient Biblical recipes found either within the scriptures or through the ones that have been passed down the generations within the Hebrew culture. 100% Pure Extra Virgin Oil produced from olives harvested from olive trees around the city of Jerusalem and the Judea Mountains. This is then mixed with the best Natural Essential Oils and fragrances which is sourced from around the world. Each one of the oils is hand crafted and bottled by hand in the outskirts of the Holy City. 
  • Every item that is produced is always soaked in prayer and dedicated to God for use as He sees fit before it leaves Israel and is delivered. 

The Balm of Gilead, is an aromatic resin used for medical purposes that was exported from Tyre and elsewhere. This is seen in scriptures where it is mentioned that the Ishmaelites who carried Joseph into Egyptian bondage were also Gilead balm traders. 

Balsam trees are native to the Gilead area. Incisions in the bark of a balsam tree yield three or four drops a day from each, and left to stand the balsam becomes of a golden colour and pellucid as a gem. Back in those days this balm was so scarce that the Jericho gardens yielded only six or seven gallons yearly, which was worth twice its weight in silver.

The word balm is derived from balsam, which originated from the Greek word (pronounced) balsamon, which was adopted to represent the Hebrew words baal shemen, meaning "lord of oils." These trees are called “boche” in Hebrew, indicating a tree which drips sap when it is cut, also known as a weeping tree. Psalm 56 says “Thou hast taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Thy bottle; are {they} not in Thy book? In the ancient world, when a loved one died, mourners would catch their falling tears in a bottle and bury them as a token of eternal devotion. Psalm 84 also speaks about Bacha (weeping) where it says ‘How blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee; in whose heart are the highways {to Zion} Passing through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring, the early rain also covers it with blessings. They go from strength to strength, {every one of them} appears before God in Zion.”

There is further mention of these trees in the books of second Samuel and first Chronicles where we are told the story of how David inquired of the LORD whether to go up against the enemy or not and God instructed "You shall not go {directly} up; circle around behind them and come at them in front of the balsam trees. And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then you shall act promptly, for then the LORD will have gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines."

Scriptures related with this oil can be found in: Genesis 37:25, Ezekiel 27:17, Jeremiah 8:22, Song of Songs 4:1, Song of Songs 6:13, 2 Sam 5:22-25, 1 Chr 14:10-17, and James 5:14

The history of Holy Anointing Oils with the Jewish faith ultimately speak of Christ and His finished work.

Olive oil comes from the olive fruit after it has undergone an extreme process of manhandling and crushing. When the fruit is first pressed the oil producer only gets a white sap which has a very bitter taste. In order to get the oil and get rid of the bitter taste both the fruit and the seed have to be crushed by a great weight in what is known as an olive press. This undertaking we believe is a direct and symbolic representation of the way Jesus was crushed under the burden and weight of our sin and the wrath of God directed towards that sin. The consequence of this crushing He received can be seen as Him becoming the Holy Anointing Oil that is responsible for healing and setting us free today.

Holy Anointing Oils were no stranger in Yeshua's life on earth either. We see this in Luke chapter 4 where He is anointed at the beginning of His ministry by a woman and again at the end by Mary of Bethany before He is crucified. The anointing of oil is also mentioned in many other places in the scriptures, both in the Old and New Testaments, to signify special occasions like a major initiation, an endorsement, a significant and intimate event, a dedication, or to encourage faith when a prayer for deliverance and healing is performed.