This offering is for ONE intoxicating rare and fantabulous Hawaiian remnant with all the bells and whistles of new old stock with a design inspiration showcasing dramatic chartreuse and lemon orchids with pops of orchid purples on a foliage that is just about as breathtaking as you can imagine a 1930's ribbed texture barkcloth would be...a soft dove gray ground allows all the colors to play in a tropical spirit that convey what you might imagine the Hawaiian islands to look like...asparagus limes...electric for sure...deep dark teal...with black and white accents. A colorway that packs a powerful punch...a rare beauty...measures 24 inches wide x 58 inches long. Flawless.

I take returns...but who wants to take a return right? So I do my best to add lots of photos that depict the weight and texture and do so thoughtfully so you are getting the most virtual experience. Please only buy if you know you really want other words...I'm here to have the best selling experience and I can't do that without your help. With that said...of course I will take a return...I'm just hoping more the pricing will WOW YA over wanting to return it :) Here is to a summer of fabulous Florida Finds. :)