We manufacture Soft 2-1/4" HEIGHT TO 3-1/2" WIDE Rubber

Pads in WISCONSIN, USA with the High Gripping Power for people that DO or DO NOT want to

wear a belt and have snug fitting waistband pressure or want more support than the belt gives.

These pads are out of sight, placed inside of the waistband of the pants or skirt.

When the pants or skirt waistband

presses against the pads it causes the pads to grip onto the outer shirt if it is tucked in, or the undershirt if it is tucked in or

your body if you do not want to tuck anything in.

Position the Pads where ever you want but we have found placing them OVER LAPPING EACH OTHER and ON THE CENTER OF EACH HIP works BEST and is comfortable when you bend over.

We supply 4 Pads for MEN or WOMEN. 

The concept is using the upper garment to support the pants the same as one piece jumpsuit does. The shoulders support the weight of the pants or skirt.