By Brian Clark

Original theatre play script supplied on a disc in 'Word' format.


“Whose Life is it Anyway” is a play about a man in hospital who fights for the right to choose to die. The hospital’s view, like the view of our society today, is that euthanasia is illegal and that doctors must try to preserve life and cannot destroy it. Ken Harrison, is a quadriplegic after a car accident six months prior to the opening scene of the play. The doctors managed to stabilise him, but Ken is unable to move any part of his body other than his head and he cannot survive independently from the hospital. Before the accident he was a sculptor and he now wonders if he will ever be able to return to the life he once led. When he realises he will never be able to do so, he decides he does not want “to go on living with so much effort for such little result”.  The hospital staff, however, maintain that it is their job “to save life, not to lose it”. These opposing views are argued throughout the play and help to widen our knowledge of and opinions on euthanasia and free will.

(Please note: This disc and the script contained on it is for personal reading pleasure only and carries no theatrical rights to produce the play)