Such a élégant and precious solid silver French compact powder with "Official Duchess Mazarin "M.D." 1757 wedding  medal" minted by LORTHIOR (1733- 1813). Ancient Horn and number "9" Silver stamps.
A great and original creation.

Net weight : 119 grammes
Brut weight (include silver framed miror, basket and pad): 156 grammes

"Louise-Jeanne de Durfort de Duras  Duchess de Mazarin ( affiliated to the  the famous Cardinal Mazarin (1602–1661)) was born in Paris on 1 September 1735.

By birth, the Duchess belonged to the highest nobility of the French court and lived in Versailles for many years. Her contemporaries described her as a very beautiful woman, who was tall and had magnificent eyes). She held the position of dame ordinaire to Madame Adélaïde (1732–1800), the fourth daughter of king Louis XV, between 1756 and 1760. Memorialists claim the Duchesse had many lovers—with whom she was financially generous—, including Antoine de Malvin de Montazet, the Archbishop of Lyon (1713–1788), Louis-François de Bourbon, Prince de Conti (1717–1776), and Claude-Pierre-Maximilien Radix de Sainte-Foy (1736–1810), the Surintendant des Finances of the Comte d’Artois (1757–1836).

Despite being prohibited from managing her property in 1763, she continued to spend recklessly to refurbish her luxurious and numerous residences in Paris, Chilly, Versailles, Fontainebleau, Compiègne, and many other locations. She died in Paris, in her mansion on the Quai Malaquais, on 17 March 1781, leaving behind one of the finest and largest collections of objets d’art and curiosities … that matched her debts. Indeed, her daughter, the Duchesse de Valentinois, her sole heir, initially rejected her heritage under benefit of inventory and it took several years for the Duchesse de Mazarin’s estate to be settled."

10% discount if direct sale, contact :  hselloum(AT)
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