The Ultimate GPS module you know and love has a glow-up to let it be easily used with any computer, not just microcontrollers! With the built-in USB-to-Serial converter, you can now plug-n-play the Ultimate GPS into your computer, laptop, embedded Linux computer, and more. Power and transport data over any micro USB cable, with handy onboard indicator LEDs that let you know fix status and whether data is being received & transmitted.

The breakout is built around the MTK3333 chipset, a no-nonsense, high-quality GNSS module that can track up to 33 satellites on 99 channels, has an excellent high-sensitivity receiver (-165 dBm tracking!), and a built-in antenna. It can do up to 10 location updates a second for high speed, high sensitivity logging, or tracking. Power usage is incredibly low, only ~29 mA during navigation.

Two features that really stand out about the MTK3333-based module are the external antenna functionality and the built-in data-logging capability. The module has a standard ceramic patch antenna that gives it -165 dBm sensitivity, but when you want to have a bigger antenna, you can snap on any 3V active GPS antenna via the uFL connector. The module will automatically detect the active antenna and switch over!