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W 34" xL 32” Artful Dodger Wing machete Jeans Baggy Fit Embroidered 2K Vintage

From Research;  These are an unworn as new, with out tags collection of jeans. The damage and worn nature is part of the design.

This is from

Title: Artful Dodger Streetwear: Where Art Meets Fashion


Artful Dodger, a distinctive streetwear brand, has carved its niche in the fashion industry by seamlessly blending artistry with urban fashion sensibilities. Born out of the vibrant and dynamic street culture, Artful Dodger has become synonymous with unique designs, bold graphics, and a rebellious spirit. This article explores the evolution, ethos, and impact of Artful Dodger streetwear, delving into the brand's signature style and its influence on the streetwear landscape.

Origins and Founding:

Founded in 2005 by British designer Scott Langton, Artful Dodger emerged as a response to the demand for streetwear that transcended conventional norms. The brand drew inspiration from various elements, including graffiti art, music, and the eclectic styles found on the streets of urban metropolises. Langton's vision was to create a brand that not only reflected the raw energy of street culture but also elevated it to an art form.

Signature Aesthetic:

At the core of Artful Dodger's streetwear identity is a commitment to originality and artistic expression. The brand is renowned for its elaborate and detailed graphics, often featuring intricate illustrations, provocative imagery, and a distinctive play on words. The combination of bold designs and thought-provoking messages sets Artful Dodger apart, appealing to individuals who seek more than just clothing but a form of self-expression.

Collaborations and Celebrity Endorsements:

Artful Dodger gained significant recognition through strategic collaborations and endorsements from notable figures in the entertainment and music industry. The brand became a favorite among celebrities and musicians, with endorsements from hip-hop artists like Jay-Z, Pharrell Williams, and Kanye West. These collaborations not only elevated Artful Dodger's visibility but also solidified its status as a cultural force within streetwear.

From Graphic Tees to Complete Collections:

While Artful Dodger initially gained fame for its graphic T-shirts, the brand's evolution saw it expanding into a full-fledged streetwear label. The product range includes hoodies, sweatshirts, outerwear, denim, and accessories, all carrying the brand's distinctive design aesthetic. The expansion allowed Artful Dodger to cater to a broader audience while maintaining its commitment to high-quality craftsmanship and artistic detailing.

Limited Editions and Exclusivity:

Artful Dodger has embraced the concept of limited editions and exclusivity, creating a sense of rarity and desirability among its customer base. Limited-edition releases and exclusive collaborations with other brands or artists have become a hallmark of the Artful Dodger experience. This approach not only fuels a sense of urgency among consumers but also positions the brand as a trendsetter in the ever-evolving world of streetwear.

Cultural Impact and Street Cred:

Artful Dodger's cultural impact extends beyond the realm of fashion. The brand's presence in street culture, music, and art has contributed to its street credibility. Artful Dodger garments are not merely clothing items; they are canvases that reflect the diverse influences of the urban landscape. The brand's ability to capture the essence of street culture has resonated with a global audience, making it a symbol of self-expression and authenticity.

Challenges and Resilience:

Like many brands in the dynamic streetwear industry, Artful Dodger has faced challenges, including changes in consumer preferences and market trends. However, the brand's resilience lies in its ability to adapt without compromising its core identity. Artful Dodger continues to navigate the ever-changing landscape of streetwear, staying true to its roots while embracing innovation and evolution.


Artful Dodger streetwear stands as a testament to the power of combining art with fashion. From its origins as a purveyor of graphic tees to its current status as a comprehensive streetwear label, Artful Dodger has left an indelible mark on the fashion landscape. With its bold designs, commitment to authenticity, and influence on street culture, Artful Dodger continues to be a dynamic force, inspiring individuals to embrace their uniqueness and express themselves through the canvas of streetwear.

Title: Selvedge Jeans: Unraveling the Craftsmanship of Timeless Denim


Selvedge jeans, often hailed as the pinnacle of denim craftsmanship, represent a marriage of traditional techniques and enduring style. Renowned for their quality, durability, and distinctive edge detailing, selvedge jeans have earned a dedicated following among denim enthusiasts. This article delves into the rich history, unique characteristics, and enduring appeal of selvedge jeans.

The Origin of Selvedge:

The term "selvedge" is a contraction of "self-edge" and refers to the tightly woven band on both edges of the fabric. Selvedge denim is crafted on traditional shuttle looms, which produce a narrower fabric width compared to modern projectile looms. This results in the distinctive white and colored thread edge, often featuring unique patterns or brand identifiers, adding a touch of authenticity to the denim.

Historical Significance:

The roots of selvedge denim can be traced back to the late 19th century, where it was the standard method of producing denim. However, with the advent of mass production and cost-cutting measures in the mid-20th century, many manufacturers shifted to wider projectile looms, leaving traditional shuttle looms and selvedge denim production on the decline.

Resurgence and Revival:

In recent decades, a resurgence of interest in heritage craftsmanship and a desire for premium quality have fueled a revival of selvedge denim. Brands and artisans committed to preserving traditional manufacturing methods have embraced selvedge production, leading to a renaissance in the appreciation for this time-honored fabric.

Unique Characteristics of Selvedge Jeans:

  1. Edge Detailing: The most distinctive feature of selvedge jeans is the clean and tightly woven edge along both sides of the fabric. The selvedge line often incorporates unique colors and patterns, serving as a signature of the loom and the brand.

  2. Durability: Selvedge denim is typically made from a higher quality of cotton, and the slower weaving process contributes to a denser and more durable fabric. As a result, selvedge jeans are known for their longevity, with the potential to develop unique fades and wear patterns over time.

  3. Raw and Unwashed: Selvedge jeans are often sold in a raw and unwashed state, allowing the wearer to break in the denim and personalize it through natural fading. This emphasis on the raw, untouched fabric enhances the jeans' authenticity and individuality.

  4. Attention to Detail: Craftsmanship is paramount in the production of selvedge jeans. From the stitching to the finishing touches, meticulous attention to detail is evident. This commitment to quality contributes to the premium feel and appearance of selvedge denim.

Cultural Impact and Iconic Brands:

Selvedge jeans have become more than just a wardrobe staple; they represent a commitment to craftsmanship and a connection to denim's rich history. Iconic denim brands like Levi's, Japan's Evisu, and American-based brands such as 3sixteen, Rogue Territory, and The Flat Head have played a pivotal role in popularizing and elevating selvedge jeans to a status symbol among denim aficionados.

Challenges and Sustainability:

While selvedge denim enjoys a devoted following, it's important to acknowledge the challenges associated with its production. Traditional shuttle looms are slower and require more manual labor, making the process less cost-efficient. As a result, selvedge jeans often come with a higher price tag. Additionally, the environmental impact of denim production is a growing concern, prompting some brands to explore sustainable practices in selvedge denim manufacturing.


Selvedge jeans embody more than just a pair of pants; they encapsulate a commitment to craftsmanship, a nod to history, and a dedication to enduring style. The revival of interest in selvedge denim reflects a collective appreciation for authenticity and the artistry of traditional manufacturing. As denim enthusiasts continue to seek out the unique qualities of selvedge jeans, these garments remain a testament to the enduring allure of time-honored craftsmanship in the ever-evolving world of fashion.

Title: The Artistic Legacy of Ed Hardy: Beyond Fashion


Ed Hardy, a name synonymous with bold and vibrant designs, has left an indelible mark on the world of fashion and art. While many associate Ed Hardy primarily with a line of clothing, his influence extends far beyond the realm of fashion. This article delves into the life and career of Ed Hardy, exploring his artistic journey, impact on the fashion industry, and his lasting legacy.

Early Life and Artistic Beginnings:

Born on January 27, 1945, in Corona del Mar, California, as Donald Edward Hardy, the renowned artist had an early fascination with tattoo artistry and Japanese culture. Hardy's love for tattooing and art blossomed during his adolescence, and he eventually pursued a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the San Francisco Art Institute. It was during this time that he began honing his skills and developing a distinctive style that would later become iconic.

Tattooing as Fine Art:

Ed Hardy's journey into the world of tattooing was groundbreaking. In an era where tattoos were often associated with rebellion and counterculture, Hardy sought to elevate the art form. He combined traditional American tattoo motifs with Japanese aesthetics, creating a unique fusion that set him apart. His innovative approach transformed tattooing from a subculture art form into a respected and recognized medium within the broader art world.

The Birth of the Ed Hardy Brand:

In 2002, fashion designer Christian Audigier struck a licensing agreement with Ed Hardy to use his art in a clothing line. The collaboration resulted in the birth of the Ed Hardy brand, introducing a range of apparel adorned with Hardy's distinctive tattoo-inspired designs. The clothing line quickly gained popularity, especially among celebrities, catapulting Ed Hardy into the mainstream.

Signature Aesthetic:

Ed Hardy's artistic style is characterized by bold colors, intricate patterns, and a fusion of various cultural elements. His designs often feature traditional tattoo motifs such as skulls, dragons, and roses, combined with Japanese and American pop culture references. The fusion of East and West, along with Hardy's unique artistic flair, created a visual language that resonated with a wide audience.

Controversies and Criticisms:

Despite its widespread popularity, the Ed Hardy brand faced criticism for its association with excessive and ostentatious designs. The use of bold graphics, embellishments, and vibrant colors led to a perception that Ed Hardy clothing was more about making a statement than showcasing genuine artistry. The brand became synonymous with a certain level of flamboyance and was sometimes criticized for contributing to the commodification of tattoo culture.

Legacy and Impact:

While the Ed Hardy brand may have faced criticism for its perceived excesses, there's no denying the lasting impact Ed Hardy has had on both the fashion and art worlds. His work helped legitimize tattoo artistry as a form of fine art, breaking down stereotypes and paving the way for future generations of tattoo artists. Beyond clothing, Ed Hardy's influence can be seen in various art forms, including paintings, prints, and even collaborations with other designers.


Ed Hardy's journey from a tattoo artist to a globally recognized brand is a testament to the power of artistic innovation. Despite the controversies surrounding the Ed Hardy clothing line, Hardy's impact on the art world and popular culture cannot be denied. His legacy lives on, not just in the vibrant patterns adorning clothing but in the broader acceptance of tattoo art as a legitimate and respected form of artistic expression.

Title: Christian Audigier: The Visionary Fashion Maven Behind Ed Hardy


Christian Audigier, the iconic fashion designer, left an indelible mark on the fashion industry with his bold and unconventional approach to design. Best known for his collaboration with tattoo artist Ed Hardy, Audigier played a pivotal role in transforming the tattoo artistry into mainstream fashion. This article explores the life, career, and impact of Christian Audigier, shedding light on his innovative contributions to the world of fashion.

Early Life and Rise to Prominence:

Christian Audigier was born on May 21, 1958, in Avignon, France. Growing up in a region with a rich cultural heritage, Audigier developed a keen sense of style and an early interest in fashion. His journey in the fashion industry began in his teenage years when he started working for various fashion brands in France. His innate creativity and entrepreneurial spirit set the stage for a career that would later redefine contemporary fashion.

Audigier's breakthrough came in the late 1980s when he moved to the United States. He quickly made a name for himself by designing for prominent denim brands such as Guess and Levi's. His success in the American fashion scene paved the way for larger opportunities, ultimately leading to his association with the Ed Hardy brand.

The Collaboration with Ed Hardy:

In 2004, Christian Audigier entered into a licensing agreement with renowned tattoo artist Ed Hardy. This collaboration marked the beginning of a transformative era in the fashion industry. Audigier recognized the potential of Hardy's unique tattoo-inspired designs and sought to translate them into a high-end, fashion-forward clothing line.

Under Audigier's creative direction, the Ed Hardy brand exploded onto the scene, gaining immense popularity for its bold and vibrant aesthetic. The collaboration featured an array of clothing, accessories, and even fragrances, all adorned with Ed Hardy's signature tattoo motifs. The brand became synonymous with audacious style, attracting a diverse clientele, including numerous celebrities.

Iconic Designs and Branding:

Audigier's genius lay in his ability to turn tattoo art into wearable masterpieces. The Ed Hardy brand, under his guidance, blended traditional tattoo elements with streetwear aesthetics, creating a distinct visual language that resonated with a broad audience. Skulls, dragons, and vibrant colors became synonymous with Ed Hardy, making it a cultural phenomenon.

The branding strategy employed by Audigier played a crucial role in the success of Ed Hardy. The iconic use of the brand name and logo on clothing and accessories became a status symbol, leading to a surge in demand for Ed Hardy products. While the brand faced criticism for its perceived flamboyance, there's no denying Audigier's knack for creating a distinctive and memorable identity.

Global Impact and Legacy:

Christian Audigier's impact on the fashion landscape extended beyond the Ed Hardy brand. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to launch several successful fashion ventures, including the Christian Audigier and the eponymous Ed Hardy by Christian Audigier lines. His influence reached global proportions, making him a sought-after figure in the fashion world.

Tragically, Christian Audigier passed away on July 9, 2015, leaving behind a legacy of innovation and creativity. His contributions to popularizing tattoo art in mainstream fashion, as well as his ability to merge streetwear with high-end design, continue to inspire designers and shape the evolving landscape of the fashion industry.


Christian Audigier's journey from a small town in France to the epicenter of the American fashion scene reflects his passion, creativity, and unwavering determination. His collaboration with Ed Hardy not only revolutionized the way we perceive tattoo art but also cemented his status as a visionary fashion maven. Audigier's legacy lives on, not just through the enduring popularity of the Ed Hardy brand but in the broader impact he had on pushing the boundaries of fashion and cultivating a unique and memorable style.

Title: Ed Hardy Embroidered Jeans: A Collector's Delight


Ed Hardy, synonymous with bold and vibrant designs, has left an enduring mark on the fashion industry through his iconic tattoo-inspired creations. Among his diverse array of offerings, Ed Hardy embroidered jeans stand out as wearable canvases that showcase intricate and captivating designs. This article explores the world of Ed Hardy embroidered jean collecting, delving into the unique appeal, artistic details, and the growing enthusiasm among collectors for these distinctive denim masterpieces.

The Artistry of Ed Hardy Embroidered Jeans:

Ed Hardy's signature embroidered jeans are a testament to his artistic vision and innovation. Unlike conventional denim, these jeans serve as a canvas for Hardy's bold and vibrant designs, often featuring iconic tattoo motifs such as skulls, dragons, and roses. The intricate embroidery work elevates the jeans from mere clothing to wearable art, making each pair a unique expression of Hardy's distinctive style.

The embroidery on Ed Hardy jeans is not merely decorative but a meticulous process that requires skilled craftsmanship. The attention to detail is evident in the precision of the stitches, the vibrant color palette, and the seamless integration of various elements. Each pair tells a visual story, capturing the essence of tattoo artistry and streetwear culture.

Collecting Ed Hardy Embroidered Jeans:

The appeal of collecting Ed Hardy embroidered jeans lies in the fusion of fashion, art, and cultural significance. As wearable pieces of art, these jeans have become highly sought after by collectors who appreciate the uniqueness and craftsmanship inherent in each pair. The limited availability of certain designs and the collaboration between Ed Hardy and other artists further contribute to the exclusivity of these pieces.

Collectors often seek out specific editions, collaborations, or rare designs, turning the pursuit into a passionate hobby. Some collectors focus on acquiring jeans from particular periods in Ed Hardy's career, showcasing the evolution of his artistic style. The rarity and uniqueness of these pieces contribute to their value, both as fashion items and as collectibles.

Ed Hardy Embroidered Jeans as Cultural Artifacts:

Beyond their status as collectibles, Ed Hardy embroidered jeans hold cultural significance. They reflect the intersection of tattoo art, street culture, and high fashion, embodying the spirit of rebellion and self-expression. The jeans encapsulate a specific era in fashion history, marked by a departure from conventional norms and a celebration of bold, individualistic style.

These denim masterpieces also serve as a canvas for collaborations with other artists, further expanding their cultural resonance. Collaborations with musicians, athletes, and other fashion designers add layers of meaning to the embroidered designs, making the jeans not only a reflection of Ed Hardy's artistry but also a snapshot of cultural collaborations that define an era.

The Future of Ed Hardy Embroidered Jeans Collecting:

As fashion trends evolve, the fascination with Ed Hardy embroidered jeans shows no signs of waning. Collectors continue to appreciate the timeless appeal of these wearable artworks, recognizing their value as both fashion statements and cultural artifacts. The market for vintage Ed Hardy jeans has grown, with enthusiasts scouring boutiques, vintage stores, and online platforms to expand their collections.

In conclusion, Ed Hardy embroidered jeans represent a unique intersection of fashion, art, and cultural expression. Their appeal lies not only in their aesthetic allure but also in their role as symbols of a particular era in fashion history. Collectors worldwide continue to appreciate and seek out these denim treasures, ensuring that the legacy of Ed Hardy's iconic embroidered jeans will endure for years to come.

Title: The Timeless Allure of Vintage Jeans: A Collector's Journey


In the realm of fashion collecting, vintage jeans hold a special place, transcending their utilitarian origins to become cherished artifacts that tell stories of bygone eras. This article explores the world of vintage jean collecting, delving into the allure of these iconic denim pieces, the evolution of styles over the years, and the passion that drives enthusiasts to seek out and preserve these timeless garments.

The Evolution of Vintage Jeans:

Jeans, originally designed as sturdy workwear, evolved into a cultural phenomenon with roots tracing back to the mid-19th century. The iconic denim fabric, known for its durability, found its way into mainstream fashion during the mid-20th century, becoming a symbol of rebellion, counterculture, and youth movements. Vintage jeans, typically referring to those manufactured before the 1990s, embody the history and evolution of denim as a fashion staple.

Key Eras and Styles:

Vintage jeans enthusiasts often gravitate towards specific eras and styles that capture the essence of fashion during particular decades. The 1950s saw the rise of the classic straight-leg, high-waisted silhouette, epitomized by brands like Levi's 501. In the 1960s, the introduction of bell-bottoms and a more relaxed fit reflected the free-spirited atmosphere of the era. The 1970s brought about the advent of flared jeans and unique pocket designs, while the 1980s saw the emergence of acid-washed denim and punk-inspired styles.

Notable Brands and Collaborations:

Certain brands have become synonymous with vintage denim collecting, with Levi's standing out as an enduring favorite. Levi's vintage jeans, particularly those from the mid-20th century, are highly coveted for their quality craftsmanship and historical significance. Other brands like Wrangler, Lee, and Calvin Klein have also contributed iconic pieces to the world of vintage denim.

Collaborations between denim manufacturers and influential figures in music, film, and fashion have further elevated the status of certain vintage jeans. Limited-edition releases and collaborations with celebrities or designers add a layer of exclusivity that appeals to collectors seeking unique and rare pieces.

The Hunt for Hidden Gems:

One of the most exciting aspects of vintage jean collecting is the thrill of the hunt. Enthusiasts scour thrift stores, vintage shops, flea markets, and online platforms in search of hidden gems that embody the spirit of a bygone era. Finding a pair of perfectly worn-in Levi's from the 1960s or a rare collaboration piece can feel like discovering a treasure, sparking a sense of nostalgia and connection to the past.

Condition, Fit, and Fades:

Collectors often prioritize factors such as condition, fit, and fades when acquiring vintage jeans. A well-preserved pair with authentic distressing and fades tells a story of the wearer's journey, adding character and uniqueness to the garment. Vintage jeans aficionados appreciate the nuances of wear patterns, whiskering, and the softness that comes with years of use.

Preserving and Restoring Vintage Jeans:

Preserving the integrity of vintage jeans is a crucial aspect of collecting. Proper care, storage, and, in some cases, restoration efforts are undertaken by collectors to ensure that these historical garments remain in wearable condition. Some collectors embrace the imperfections and signs of age, celebrating the authenticity that comes with a well-loved pair of vintage jeans.

Community and Culture:

Vintage jean collecting has fostered a vibrant and passionate community of enthusiasts. Online forums, social media groups, and dedicated events bring collectors together to share their finds, trade stories, and discuss the nuances of vintage denim. The culture of vintage jean collecting extends beyond the garments themselves, encompassing a shared appreciation for history, craftsmanship, and individual style.


In a world of fast fashion and ever-evolving trends, vintage jean collecting provides a bridge to the past, allowing enthusiasts to connect with the rich history of denim as a cultural and fashion icon. The allure of vintage jeans lies not only in their aesthetic appeal but in the stories they tell, the eras they represent, and the craftsmanship that sets them apart. As collectors continue to seek out and preserve these timeless pieces, vintage jeans will undoubtedly remain a cherished and enduring aspect of fashion history.

  1. Levi's
  2. Wrangler
  3. Lee
  4. Calvin Klein Jeans
  5. Diesel
  6. Guess
  7. AG Jeans
  8. 7 For All Mankind
  9. True Religion
  10. Hudson Jeans
  11. J Brand
  12. Paige
  13. Citizens of Humanity
  14. Joe's Jeans
  15. Rag & Bone
  16. Acne Studios
  17. Nudie Jeans Co.
  18. Balmain
  19. Frame
  20. Tommy Hilfiger
  21. Versace Jeans Couture
  22. Balenciaga
  23. Ralph Lauren
  24. Topshop
  25. Zara
  26. H&M
  27. Gap
  28. Uniqlo
  29. American Eagle Outfitters
  30. Forever 21
  31. Wrangler
  32. Dickies
  33. Carhartt
  34. AGOLDE
  35. Madewell
  36. A.P.C.
  37. Isabel Marant Étoile
  38. Off-White
  39. Re/Done
  40. Bonobos

All Vintage Retro Deadstock Sportswear items that we hold have come directly from Sneaker Collectors we know and trust, we have confirmed the genuine nature of the product before listing. As such, we have many collectors items beyond just wearable items; Toys , samples , Point of Sale , Books , Advertising , Badges, Stickers, Magazines , Signed , Medicom , BearBrick etc.This is part of a large collection of Nike , Adidas , Y3 , Reebok , Jordan , Puma , McQueen Sportswear , Signed Athlete Game Match Worn  ,  Promotional Promo Product ,  Samples , Press Office Releases , Employee Collection of Paperwork , Photos , Invites , badges , Stickers , Books, POS Point of Sale , Retailer gifts , Newsletters and other rare Sports items. We are happy to find items in the collection for you and load them as requested, please just message us... We are happy to considered global shipping on any items and combining postage, but you will need to ask for postage and packing quotes first.

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As with all Vintage items, the history and storage conditions of the items before arriving with us cannot be guaranteed. As such all of our vintage Sportswear is sold for collectors and it is suggested that as such our vintage items are sold as collectibles not to be wore but appreciated. As such, we sell the items in the condition they are photographed, we also take photos on postage and packing stage. We will not take responsibility for damage to these items created via use of them once delivered.We sell one off items, so when these have been sold they're gone. If you're interested and watching this, it's likely others are too. We sell pre used and loved items, Brand new items in box and Sample Promo items direct for Sample sale outlets and collectors.We are adding new items all the time. Take a look at our eBay shop and follow us to keep up to date on the latest finds.


Re:Style started in the hope that we could play our role in the UK consuming fashion and textiles sustainably.  We offer ‘as New’ and ‘nearly new’ pre-loved items for sale that have been cleaned and prepared for another chance.  Re:Style fashion, instead of adding to the 300,000 tonnes of textile waste that finds its way into landfill in our country every year.

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