Set Eight Large Chinese Copper I-Ching Bat Coins: 35mm

You can also buy them singly 

According to the ancient wisdom of the I-Ching, the 8 Trigrams (Bagua) is the model of the universe. Trigrams are the symbols made up of three lines. Each trigram consists of a three-line combination of solid (Yang) lines and broken (Yin) lines, symbolizing the ever-changing relationship of the essential life forces, Yin and Yang. The top line represents heaven, the middle line represents man and the bottom line represents earth. This is a very important concept that you will find repeatedly in Feng Shui. It is not surprising that the 8 I-Ching Trigrams are used to attract good fortune and protect against bad energies.

The bat's highly developed sensory skills are believed to be useful in picking-up on and drawing good chi. Science has proven that they can navigate confidently through the dark to discover the resources they need to survive and build and prosper. The Bat has long been known to be a sign of coming prosperity and wealth. It is said that if bats decide to stay in your home, you will become seriously rich! You have eight coins which have two bats each side, making 36 bats in all! 

I Ching coins have long been used as lucky amulets. I Ching coins on a red thread and used as a bookmark, for example, are said to bring knowledge, and placing I Ching coins near where money is kept is said to bring good fortune. Hanging them over a door is a traditional way to protect the wealth you already have, and coins that have been threaded in a circular fashion are symbolic of the eternal circle of giving.

In Feng Shui, the number eight is a very auspicious number. Use these coins in sets by tying them together with red ribbon or place them under Money Toad/Frogs to bring extra wealth.
