1991 NO LABEL Sports Illustrated FIGHTING ILLINI RED GRANGE scores 4 TDs vs MICH

This is the Fall 1991 issue of Sports Illustrated with University of Illinois legend Red Grange on the cover remembering his 4 TDs in twelve minutes against Michigan in 1924.  A 95 yrd kickoff return at the start of the game followed in succession by 66, 55, and 40 yrd runs for scores.   This mag has successfully had the mailing label rem,oved leaving minor residue evidence of it. The mag is complete, has tight spine, nice gloss & displays great!

Check our other listings – there are tons (!) of vintage Sports Illustrateds, SPORT magazines, and other publications from the 1940s all the way thru the modern day !

S&H is $5.30 for the first lot won, $1.50 for each additional lot.

Check our feedback & buy with confidence. All of the mags we sell are sent in plastic bags with firm backers. Thanks for your interest.