This book is a notable work in the field of natural history published during the 12th year of the French Revolutionary Calendar serves as a continuation of Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon's "Works" and is part of the broader edited and revised by C. S. Sonnini, a respected member of various learned societies. This particular volume focuses on crustaceans and insects, offering an extensive exploration of these fascinating creatures. It includes detailed descriptions, classifications, and scientific insights into the biology, behavior, and diversity of crustaceans and insects. "General Natural History of Crustaceans and Insects" represents a valuable resource for researchers, naturalists, and scholars interested in the study of these two diverse and ecologically important groups of animals within the context of 19th-century natural history

Published: 1803

Pages: 446

Size: 8" x 5.2" x 1.2"


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