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Título: Twin Peaks: The Television Collection
Condición: Nuevo
Formato: DVD
EAN: 0032429329233
Fecha de publicación: 15/10/2019
Description: For the first time, in one collection, the complete television phenomenon TWIN PEAKS: - All 29 episodes of the original groundbreaking seasons. - All 18 parts of the "Limited Event Series" -the return to Twin Peaks - that captivated audiences 25 years later, written by the series co-creators and entirely directed by David Lynch. - A wealth of intriguing, behind-the-scenes special features. So grab a cup of coffee, a slice of cherry pie, and experience the legendary mystery... again and again!
País/Región de fabricación: USA
Idioma: inglés
Idioma de los subtítulos: inglés
Director: Various
Actores: Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Ontkean, Mädchen Amick, Dana Ashbrook
Número de discos: 17
Tiempo de ejecución: 42 hours and 13 minutes
Código de región: DVD: 1
Año de publicación: 2019

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