Global Effects Inc. has been in business for over 38 years making costumes and props for the entertainment industry. 

For the costume department on the underrated TV series, Firefly, starring Malcolm Reynolds, Global was asked if they could produce uniform badges and pins. 
Using a rubber mold, spin casting technique (same type that was used to create the Goonies gold coins) Global produced some Alliance uniform badges, that attached to the uniforms with Velcro, and some hat pins.

Global Effects has been going through old molds and has found the molds from this very film.  This is a cast pewter copy of an Alliance hat pin, from the original mold, finished exactly like the ones produced for Firefly and the follow up film, Serenity. 

These have been made exclusively for Orbital Surplus.

See our other listings for the uniform badge

Here at Orbital Surplus, we collect odds and ends from anywhere in the galaxy. So depending on what empire has collapsed, space freighter has crashed or Transport "got lost", we never know what we will receive next. However, we have lost our lease on the asteroid we have called home for more than 30 solar cycles and have to move. So we are finding stuff we forgot we had, and this is where you luck out, cause it all has to go!