Objective: National Bonus Ball is an intense card game where players predict the winning bonus ball drawn during the live Lotto draw. Each player selects a number from 1 to 59 paying a stake for each number they require, on a shared card, and the one who matches the drawn bonus ball is declared the winner.


  1. Shared Bonus Ball Card: A single card featuring numbers 1 to 59.
  2. Pick your pack size!


  1. Fill in the single card with numbers 1 to 59. This card represents the potential bonus balls for the National Lottery draw, which are drawn every Wednesday or Saturday. You can choose the draw in which you want to play, Wednesday's, Saturday's or both. The date section is left blank for you to fill in yourself.


  1. Before the live Lottery draw (Wednesday or Saturday), players choose a number from 1 to 59 on the shared Bonus Ball Card, predicting the bonus ball number.

  2. Their name being added to the corrisponding number box. These cards are printed on the reverse with an extra space to add each persons personal details incase they are not present when it is drawn.

  3. As the live National Lottery draw unfolds, players eagerly watch for the bonus ball to be revealed.

  4. Once the bonus ball is drawn, compare it to the numbers chosen by the players.

  5. The player who correctly predicted the bonus ball wins the prize - This is determined by you, before any financial exchanges are made.

Winning: The player who correctly predicts the bonus ball on the shared card for that draw (Weds or Sat) is declared the winner.